Nurhadi Did Not Ignore The Arrival Of KPK Investigators

JAKARTA - The investigation team of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) managed to arrest former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law Rezky Herbiyono, Seni, June 1. In addition, the KPK also brought Nurhadi's wife, Tin Zuraida, for questioning.

They were secured from their house on Jl. Simprug Golf 17 No. 1 Grogol Selatan, Kebayoran Lama. The KPK found out that Nurhadi was hiding in the house based on reports from the community.

However, the KPK team had faced difficulties. Because, no one opened the gate to the house. As a result, the KPK asked for assistance from the RW head and local RT administrators to witness the opening of the gate.

"Initially, the KPK investigating team was persuasive by knocking on the fence, but they were ignored," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron during a press conference, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 2.

Because they were ignored, KPK investigators were witnessed by the local RW and RT by forcibly opening the gates and doors of the house. "After (opening) the KPK investigators managed to enter the house," he said.

Inside the house, the KPK team immediately looked for Nurhadi and his son-in-law. Both are known to be in different rooms. After knowing the whereabouts of the two, the team immediately took them to the KPK building to undergo an examination.

"One room was found by Tsk NHD and in the other room Tsk RHE found and immediately arrested both of them," he said.

As for Nurhadi and his son-in-law, they have been on the wanted list (DPO) since last February, and only today have they been arrested. Since the appointment of the DPO, KPK investigators with the assistance of the National Police have continued to actively search for DPOs, including by conducting house searches in various places both around Jakarta and East Java.

These arrests began on Monday 1 June at around 18.00 WIB. Where the KPK investigating team received information from the public about the whereabouts of 2 suspects who had DPO status.

Furthermore, equipped with an arrest and search warrant at around 21.30 WIB, the KPK investigators came to the house to conduct a search. From here the KPK managed to arrest both of them.

This case is the development of a hand-catching operation on April 20, 2016 in Jakarta. Where the KPK previously determined 4 suspects, namely Doddy Ariyanto Supeno, Edy Nasution, Eddy Sindoro and Lucas and the case has permanent legal force.

Nurhadi and his son-in-law allegedly received gifts or promises related to the management of a civil case between PT.MIT vs PT.KBN (Persero) of approximately Rp. 14 billion; The civil case dispute over shares in PT. MIT amounting to approximately Rp. 33.1 billion and gratuities related to court cases of approximately Rp. 12.9 billion.

"So that the accumulation that is suspected of being received is approximately Rp. 46 billion," he said.

Nurhadi and Rezky Herbiyono are suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b subsidair Article 5 paragraph (2) which is more subsidiary to Article 11 and / or Article 12B of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Corruption Eradication jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.