Erick Thohir Affirms That Mutual Cooperation Vaccinations Don't Use The State Budget: Its Implementation Uses Company's Money

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir ensured that the Gotong Royong Vaccination would not use the APBN, the ingredients were not from vaccine assistance (grants) or vaccines from government programs.

"According to the applicable Minister of Health Regulation, all vaccines used in the Gotong Royong Vaccination program -- both for business entities/institutions that are currently running and for individuals -- do not use vaccines derived from vaccines that have been allocated for the government's vaccination program. Also, do not use vaccines that come from donations or grants from bilateral and multilateral cooperation, such as grants from the UAE and those through GAVI/COVAX," said Erick Thohir in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 14.

Gotong Royong Vaccination for individuals itself is an extension of the Gotong Royong Vaccination program which has been regulated in Minister of Health Regulation No. 19 of 2021, which was ratified as of July 5, 2021, is the second amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 10 of 2021, to provide options or wider options to the community in the implementation of vaccination.

The SOE Minister also stated that all Gotong Royong Vaccination funding, both for business entities and individuals, had never used the APBN.

"Procurement of vaccines used in Gotong Royong Vaccination and its implementation uses corporate finance and corporate loans made by state-owned pharmaceutical holdings. They do not use funds from the State Budget at all. Meanwhile, the cost of individual Gotong Royong vaccination uses the reasonable price of vaccination which will be reviewed by BPKP," said Eric.

Minister Erick emphasized the importance of mutual cooperation in this Emergency PPKM condition.

"In the current emergency PPKM conditions, especially with the death rate continuing to increase to a cumulative total of 66,464 people as of July 11, 2021, with a fatality rate of 2.63 percent, exceeding 2.16 percent at the global level, it is in line with our assignment and implementation Minister of Health Regulation No. 19 of 2021, Gotong Royong Vaccination for individuals is support for accelerating vaccinations to achieve Herd Immunity, and save lives. People now have additional options for accessing vaccinations. This is a form of gotong royong that the community can do in this challenging moment," said Eric.

He added that one of the results of the coordination meeting this afternoon was to agree on something new regarding the recipients of the Gotong Royong Vaccination for Individuals.

"All recipients of the Individual Gotong Royong Vaccination must be covered by a business entity or institution where they work. Of course, the data that will be used is data from a business entity or institution that has been registered for Gotong Royong Vaccination through the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and validated by the Ministry of Health. This will be further detailed in the socialization of Individual Gotong Royong Vaccination," said Erick Thohir.