These Are The Main Points Of The Realization Of The First Semester 2021 State Budget Which Sri Mulyani Presented In Front Of The DPR Budget Agency

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Minister of Finance) Sri Mulyani Indrawati conveyed the Main Realization Points for Semester I of the 2021 State Budget at the Working Meeting of the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the DPR RI. In his report, the Minister of Finance stated that in general the condition of the state budget shows a positive growth trend and is getting better.

"This can be seen from the positive growth in state revenue, supported by increased growth in taxes, non-tax state revenues (PNBP), and customs and excise," he said online, Monday, July 12.

In detail, tax revenues reached Rp680 trillion or grew 8.8 percent from the realization in the first semester of 2020.

It was recorded that tax revenues reached Rp557.8 trillion or grew positively by 4.9 percent, driven by the recovery in economic activity and an increase in commodity prices, which stimulated production, consumption, and international trade activities.

Then, customs and excise revenues of Rp122.2 trillion or grew 31.1 percent, mainly from the overflow of 2020 excise tax payments and the policy of adjusting the excise rate on tobacco products. In addition, because of the growth of import and export duties.

Meanwhile, the realization of PNBP reached Rp206.9 trillion or 69.4 percent of the 2021 APBN target which was supported by an increase in the realization of non-oil and gas natural resources and public service agencies.

"So this shows that the economy has stretched and the rebound is quite good from minus 9.4 percent to 8.8 percent," he said.

In terms of spending, the State Budget is claimed to be an extraordinary instrument in encouraging economic recovery with the realization of central government spending reaching Rp796.3 trillion or growing 19.1 percent from the first semester of 2020.

"The growth of central spending is affected by the 2021 PEN implementation program which has been carried out since the beginning of the year," he explained.

Then, for the realization of the distribution of transfers to regions and village funds in the first semester, it reached Rp373.9 trillion, or 47 percent of the 2021 APBN ceiling. This distribution was mainly influenced by the performance of the regional government in fulfilling the distribution requirements.

"In addition to the revenue and expenditure side, the state budget deficit is still under control. Countercyclical policies through budget financing are carried out while still paying attention to the prudential aspect, with the expansion of various fiscal stimulus programs in maintaining public health and accelerating national economic recovery," concluded Sri Mulyani.