Papuan Police Chief Visits First Brigadier Kenny Victim Of KKB Shooting After Operation To Lift 3 Projectiles

JAYAPURA - Papuan Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri, Monday visited Brigadier Kenny Karlos, a member of the Mobile Brigade Forces who was the victim of an armed criminal group (KKB) shooting in Seradala District, Yahukimo Regency.

First Brigadier Kenny Karlos, who is a member of the Nemangkawi Law Enforcement Task Force, was shot during a shootout with the KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge, Saturday, July 10 evening. Currently, Brigadier Kenny is still being treated intensively in the ICU room at Bhayangkara Kotaraja Hospital.

Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Fakhiri advised Brigadier Kenny to undergo treatment until he recovered.

Previously, the Head of the Bhayangkara Rumkit AKBP, Dr. Andi, reported that the condition of First Brigadier Kenny Karlos had started to improve, and was conscious after undergoing surgery on Sunday, July 11.

The operation was carried out to remove the projectile that had entered the stomach and after the operation, three small projectiles were obtained and two bags of blood had been transfused, said AKBP dr Andi.

First Brigadier Kenny Karlos was evacuated to Jayapura after being flown from Dekai, the capital of Yahukimo Regency.