A Total Of 36 Female Passengers Without Complete Documents Boarded Sriwijaya And Batik Air Arrived In Sorong, Papua

JAKARTA - The Sorong City COVID-19 Handling Task Force found 36 passengers from outside West Papua Province arriving at Domine Eduard Osok Airport without complete travel documents as required for handling COVID-19 procedures.

The 36 passengers who had ID cards outside the province of West Papua were found when the COVID-19 Task Force Team supervised the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) for Sriwijaya Air and Batik Air passengers at Sorong Airport, Sunday, July 11.

According to Rodney, the Sorong City COVID-19 Task Force field officer who checked the travel documents of passengers arriving at Sorong Airport, all of the 36 passengers had ID cards outside West Papua. The passengers came from Jakarta and Makassar.

It is said that the 36 passengers boarded the plane without obtaining an entry permit from the Sorong City COVID-19 Handling Task Force as stipulated in the Circular of the Mayor of Sorong regarding PPKM.

"One of the 36 passengers escaped to board a plane from Makassar without a COVID-19 vaccine certificate as stipulated by the government for travelers as an effort to deal with COVID-19," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 12.

Secretary of the Sorong City COVID-19 Task Force, Herlin Sasabone, who gave a separate statement, confirmed that in supervising the implementation of PPKM at Sorong Airport, the Task Force field team found 36 passengers arriving from Jakarta and Makassar without any required travel documents.

She explained that the Sorong City COVID-19 Task Force field team on duty at the airport immediately gave a warning to the 36 travel behaviors.

"We also report this finding to the airport so that it can be forwarded to the airline so that it pays attention to the requirements of travelers in accordance with the PPKM circular," she added.