15 Regions Outside Java-Bali Island That Just Implemented PPKM Must Improve Testing

JAKARTA - The government has finally expanded the implementation of emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in 15 districts/cities outside Java-Bali.

During these restrictions, local governments are obliged to increase the tracing of COVID-19 cases in their areas by conducting testing.

"This testing obligation is already in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs on the 17th, where there is an obligation for the regions to carry out testing," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto in an online press conference, Friday, July 9.

He asked the 15 regencies/cities to follow the rules of at least one day of testing and not to slack off. Airlangga also said that the increase in new cases after more intensive searches was a common thing.

"Indeed, with a minimum of testing per day, of course, positive ones will be found," said the chairman of the Golkar Party.

In line with Airlangga, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said local governments, including those in the 15 regencies/cities, must carry out more aggressive testing. Moreover, in the midst of efforts to suppress the rate of COVID-19, the Delta variant, which spreads more quickly.

"So I said you don't have to worry if the confirmed cases increase. In fact, that way we can anticipate better, both on the isolation side and on the hospital side. Including oxygen readiness and so on," said the former Deputy Minister of BUMN

He then explained that each region had actually been given a target. "If the positivity rate is above 25 percent, it must be 15 times the WHO (World Health Organization) standard," said Budi.

"For 15-25 percent (the positivity rate, ed) is 10 times the WHO standard and so on according to WHO standards. 1 in 1,000 per week if the positivity rate is below 5 percent," he added.

Previously, to reduce the rate of positive cases of COVID-19, the government finally implemented Emergency PPKM in 15 districts/cities in 8 provinces.

The regulation of restrictions in these dozens of regions will follow the implementation of Emergency PPKM on the island of Java-Bali. Including office activities carried out 100 percent from home.

These are 15 districts/cities outside Java-Bali that implement Emergency PPKM:

West Sumatra:

- Padang Panjang City

- Bukittinggi City

- Padang city

Riau islands:

- Tanjung Pinang City

- Batam city


- Bandar Lampung City

North Sumatra:

- Medan city

East Kalimantan:

- Balikpapan City

- Bontang City

- Berau District

West Kalimantan:

- Singkawang City

- Pontianak City

West Papua:

- Manokwari Regency

- Sorong City

West Nusa Tenggara:

- Mataram City