TNI Commander And National Police Chief Target East Java's Herd Immunity To Achieve In August

SURABAYA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto together with National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, are targeting herd immunity for East Java residents in August 2021. To accelerate COVID-19 vaccination, two strategies will be carried out in East Java

"The two strategies are holding mass vaccinations at malls, Korem health centers, and Polres. The vaccination will be held every day," said Marshal Hadi after reviewing the COVID-19 vaccination in Sidoarjo, Friday, July 9.

With these two strategies, Hadi is optimistic that he can maximize the acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination process in East Java, especially Greater Surabaya. He also hopes that the East Java target of vaccinating 300 thousand people per day can be achieved.

"We hope that 300 thousand a day can be achieved with these two strategies. So that by mid-August, herd immunity has been achieved according to our expectations," he said.

Marshal Hadi also reminded residents who have been vaccinated to maintain health protocols. Because vaccines are not to ward off COVID-19, but to make everyone's immune system stronger.

"Vaccines do not mean we are immune, but we are ready if we are exposed to COVID-19. Once again, brothers and sisters continue to wear masks because with masks 95 percent of us will avoid exposure to COVID-19," continued the TNI Commander.

Meanwhile, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, said that his party continues to coordinate with the Minister of Health so that the process of distributing vaccines in East Java runs smoothly. The National Police Chief also appreciates the COVID-19 vaccination program in East Java, the absorption has exceeded the target.

"We have reports that in several places the absorption has exceeded the target. This is so optimism in forming herd immunity in East Java will be achieved. On average, there are currently 165,000 vaccinations a day in East Java," said General Sigit.

The National Police Chief is also optimistic that in August, herd immunity will be achieved in East Java. Moreover, he said, 7.9 million East Java residents have been vaccinated.

"Hopefully this can be maintained, increased, then at the end of August it can be a gift for the people of Surabaya, to achieve herd immunity in East Java. Keep your distance, prokes, masks, love yourself, love your family," he said.