For Patients With Kidney Disease, Here Are 7 Foods To Avoid When Creatinine Is High

JAKARTA – Creatinine is a product that is excreted by the kidneys and is considered as waste. Initially, creatinine is a waste substance in the blood produced by muscle tissue. Produced when you move and move.

However, because the function of the kidney as a creatinine filter is not optimal, it will be excreted in the urine. Well, high creatinine also indicates a problem with the kidneys. Normal levels in adults range from 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL for men and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for women.

High creatinine can be caused by several things, such as in someone who is active in athletic activities. But as you get older, high creatinine can also be caused by other things such as kidney problems, kidney failure, kidney stones, and kidney infections.

It can also be caused by other things, namely dehydration, diabetes, hypertension, side effects of antibiotic drugs, and often consuming large amounts of meat.

1. Canned food

Canned food is usually processed by being salted, dried, fermented, and then canned. Most canned foods are high in sodium. So, it is not recommended to eat a lot of canned food, especially for people with kidney disease.

2. Pickles and pickles

Pickles are fresh, especially complement the meal. Asinan is certainly a taboo, because it is processed by being salted. While pickles are preserved with added salt that contains sodium so it is recommended to be avoided.

3. Preserved food

Foods such as frozen food such as nuggets, frozen pizza, contain high sodium. Instant foods such as instant noodles are also taboo for people with kidney disease which is characterized by high creatinine.

4. Banana

High potassium in bananas, under certain conditions is good for health. But not for those of you who have problems with the kidneys. Increased potassium in the blood will also be dangerous for the stability of the flow of electricity to the heart.

Illustration of bananas, food taboos for kidney disease (Unsplash/Fabrizio Frigeni)
5. Potato

As a substitute for carbohydrates, potatoes are an alternative. However, potatoes and sweet potatoes also contain high potassium which is a dietary taboo for people with kidney disease.

When consuming potatoes, it is recommended to soak them for 4 hours which is useful for reducing potassium levels.

6. Avocado

This super fruit is not good for people with kidney disease. The potassium content is doubled in bananas. If the potassium in bananas is 422 mg, if in avocados 722 mg. As a substitute, when creatinine is high, you can eat pineapple.

7. Tomato

If fresh tomatoes contain potassium, especially tomato sauce. It is higher in potassium than avocado. In addition to the 7 foods that should not be consumed above, kidney sufferers also need to avoid eating dairy products and whole wheat bread.