The Universe Is 13.5 Billion Years Old, Bill Nelson: It's Very Possible There Are Other Planets That Have Atmosphere

JAKARTA - Bill Nelson, a former astronaut from the US stated that there may be aliens or something in the universe, Tuesday, July 6. His opinion comes 10 days after the US released a report stating that the government was unable to account for 143 of the 144 UFOs reported by military aircraft from 2004 to 2021.

Speaking on CNBC, Nelson said that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is actively looking for signs of intelligent life beyond Earth.

"If you have a universe that is 13.5 billion years old and very large, are there any other opportunities for the Sun and other planets with atmospheres like ours?" said Nelson, who is now an active US Democratic senator. "I'd say yes, so I think we're going to get some indication that there's intelligent life out there."

According to Nelson, NASA has been searching for life for years, particularly on the planets in our solar system. NASA has also been searching for other suns throughout the cosmos with planets that have habitable conditions. The quest includes gathering more information about Mars.

"This time, exploring a very sandy region to determine if the rover went there and might get stuck in the sand, so Ingenuity is just doing amazing things," Nelson said, referring to NASA's Mars 2020 mission helicopter.

Nelson's comments on Tuesday reaffirmed his stance right after the UFO report was disclosed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Observers reported unusual unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) movement patterns in 18 incidents. In addition, it acknowledges the lack of data to determine the nature of the unknown flying object.

"Obviously there's something there. "We don't think (this is the enemy) but when it comes to the universe, remember the universe is so big, we have a program at NASA called Search for Space Intelligence," Nelson told CNN. "But so far, we have no sign of communication from anything intelligent."

Interest in discovering more about UFOs has increased after the report. A Democratic lawmaker over the weekend asked Congress to hold a series of hearings on the matter.