Survey: Young People Lack Discipline, Parents Are Afraid Of Vaccination

JAKARTA - The government reported the addition of 34,101 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours spread across 34 provinces. As of Wednesday, July 7, the total number of COVID-19 patients in the country is 2,379,397.

According to data from the COVID-19 Task Force, the number of COVID-19 patients declared cured increased by 14,835, bringing the total to 1,973,388.

Then, there were an additional 1,040 deaths due to COVID-19. Thus, COVID-19 patients died to 62,908 people.

As of today, the government has examined 20,982,248 COVID-19 specimens from 14,095,904 people.

These figures show the spike in COVID-19 is getting crazier in the country. However, the facts on the ground found that only 51 percent of the public were afraid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

These findings are the results of the National Survey Media (Median) survey of netizens' perceptions of handling COVID-19. Although the survey was collected at the end of June before the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), it can be a reflection of the public to evaluate the threat of this deadly virus.

Executive Director of Median Rico Marbun said that only 51.8 percent of netizens claimed to be afraid of COVID. The details, stating that they are very afraid, are only 17.9 percent, only 33.9 percent are afraid.

"So the total is 51.8 percent. In my opinion, this figure is a bit dangerous, meaning that people who said that COVID was normal at the end of June were around 39.6 percent, then those who said they weren't afraid were 5.6 percent and really didn't. fear is 3 percent. The figure is balanced between expressing fear and being more or less normal. So this needs to be socialized to our community so that they remain vigilant against COVID," Rico said in a webinar, Wednesday, July 7.

However, in fact, people say that almost 50 percent say the current COVID-19 situation is worse than last year.

"This data was taken at the end of June, maybe if it was taken in early July this number would increase. So 49.7 percent of netizens said that the COVID situation is getting worse now compared to a year ago," explained Rico.

If we compare the performance of the central government and provincial and district/city governments, sequentially the highest level of satisfaction is with the provincial government at 37.8 percent, followed by the district/city government at 36.5 percent and the satisfaction level with the central government being 35.3 percent.

"We see the numbers, the difference is only 1 to 2 percent, so there really isn't too big a disparity between the level of satisfaction of the provincial and district/city central governments. But if we look at the vulnerable, the figure is still below 50 percent, even only 30 percent. This means that our executives are currently as well as at the central and provincial levels, it is necessary to improve its performance," explained Rico.

The next finding questions the level of discipline in the application of health protocols. Netizens stated that 73.9 percent always wear masks. Uniquely, the older age is more obedient to Prokes than the younger age.

"In terms of age, it appears that the highest level of discipline in wearing masks is in a relatively old age. We can see that at the age of 60, 81.3 percent of them always wear masks, then 70 percent of those 51 to 60 years old are among the lowest in discipline. In the use of masks, it is actually netizens of generation Z, aged 17 to 20 years who always wear masks, the figure is 67.5 percent," said Rico.

Besides that, netizens are also concerned about the discipline of netizens in always washing their hands when leaving the house or returning from outside the house. From the data, there are approximately 61 percent of those who say they always wash their hands after they leave the house. Those who stated that they often wash their hands 23.3 percent sometimes 14.2 percent never 12.1 percent.

"So the level of discipline decreases if those who wear masks are in their 70s, but those who wash their hands are 61 percent lower, even though this procedure should always coincide with 3M's behavior," said Rico.

From the findings, Rico concluded that the younger the level of discipline decreases. Moreover, in the discipline of keeping a distance.

"So if you only wore a mask about 70 percent, then wash your hands 60 percent, keep this distance low again netizens who say that keeping a distance of more than 1 meter from other people and doing activities outside the house is only 53.1 percent. So the drop is far from 70 to 53 percent," he explained.

"So we can see the trend is that young people are more undisciplined than those who are older," he said.

Meanwhile, for the vaccination program, it is the opposite. Older people actually don't want to be vaccinated because they are afraid of the after effects.

Based on the findings on netizens' perceptions, it turns out that only about 57.7 percent of people who want to be vaccinated will want to be vaccinated. And those who answered did not know 19.7 percent, while 22.6 percent refused or didn't want to.

"If we look at those who say they don't want to be vaccinated, the biggest percentage is those aged 60 years and over, the largest percentage is 37.5 percent. This of course needs all of our attention to take care of our parents, grandparents, them. the elderly," he said.

The reason the public wants to be vaccinated is because they get exposure to the right information. Meanwhile, people who do not want to be vaccinated are due to misinformation or lack of information.

"In conclusion, it's easier to disobey the health procedures but want to be vaccinated, the older ones are more obedient to health procedures but don't want to be vaccinated," said Rico.

The survey was conducted with a Non Probability Sampling design. The Google Form-based questionnaire distributed through Facebook social media targets active Facebook users aged 17-60 years.

Questions are distributed proportionally to the population and spread on Facebook accounts in 34 Provinces. The results were collected as many as 1,089 respondents spread across 32 provinces.