Governor Edy: There Is No Prohibition Of Worshiping In Places Of Worship, But Health Protocol Must Be Strict

MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor, Edy Rahmayadi, said his party had not issued a ban on worship activities in places of worship during the implementation of restrictions on micro-community activities (PPKM).

"There is no prohibition against worshiping in places of worship. However, it is requested that health protocols be implemented strictly", he said in Medan, Wednesday, July 7.

The governor emphasized that even if the houses of worship had to be closed, it would be the result of the evaluation of the respective district/city COVID-19 handling task forces.

Governor Edy said that according to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 17 of 2021 and the Instruction of the Governor of North Sumatra No. 288.54/26/INS/2021, for areas located at level 4, worship in places of worship will be abolished.

However, said Governor Edy, it all depends on regional conditions. If the local government states that the spread of COVID-19 is still safe and under control, religious activities can still be carried out in houses of worship with strict health requirements and protocols.

"What is certain is that currently, the spread of COVID-19 in North Sumatra is still relatively under control. The increase in COVID-19 cases in North Sumatra has not led to closing places of worship", said Governor Edy, quoted by Antara.

However, Governor Edy said that two cities in North Sumatra, namely Medan and Sibolga, were included in the category of circulating at level 4.

The coverage of micro PPKM in North Sumatra has increased by two, namely Sibolga and Padang Sidempuan from the previous 10, namely Medan, Binjai, Tebingtinggi, Pematangsiantar, Deliserdang, Serdangbedagai, Simalungun, Langkat, Dairi and Karo,

Governor Edy said the implementation of the 5M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and strictly reducing mobility are still the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"In addition, residents must be vaccinated. The people of North Sumatra, especially in the cities of Medan and Sibolga, are at level 4", he said.