Dogs Are Also Pampered By Tesla, But Must Be Careful When Running This Dog Mode

JAKARTA - Many new technologies are offered in Tesla's electric cars. Everything is designed to make it easy and make people comfortable. But not only humans are made comfortable, dogs too.

Tesla Dog Mode is one of those ideas that makes you wonder why no one else has thought of this idea before. Tesla's dog mode is an innovation that dog owners really like.

In 2019 Tesla came up with a mode that allows the air conditioner to stay on when the car is locked, to give the driver enough time to run fast errands , so dogs left in the car are not stressed from the heat .

Even better, as Tesla also pops up a large message on Tesla's center display screen letting passersby know that the dog inside is not in danger as the cabin is currently air-conditioned.

The display also prominently shows the temperature in the cabin, to allay concerns about the welfare of dogs whose owners leave them in the car.

The hope is for concerned citizens to see a notice on the Tesla dashboard explaining that the car is in 'Dog Mode', so that no one breaks the side window to save a dog that doesn't need to be rescued.

Although Dog Mode was introduced to Tesla cars as a change that runs from 2019 onwards, many new owners have only just discovered or discovered the technology. There are even some car owners who don't really understand how to operate this dog mode.

A report on social media has warned fellow Tesla owners not to use Dog Mode when there are humans in the car – if humans plan to open the door to get out and stretch their legs.

If the door opens while the Tesla is in Dog Mode, an alarm goes off, and cannot be easily turned off.

Advice from quite an expert Tesla owner, if you're experimenting with Dog Mode on your new Tesla, make sure it's only used when there's a dog in the car. Unless you want to annoy your neighbors with a loud alarm that takes a few minutes to turn off the sound. Especially if the driver is not near you.