Governor Edy Extends PPKM Micro, Mosques In Medan And Sibolga Temporarily Closed

MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu), Edy Rahmayadi, has extended the implementation of Micro PPKM in his region until July 20.

This is stated in the Instruction of the Governor of North Sumatra Number 188.54/26/INST/2021 dated July 5, 2021. Micro PPKM is now valid in 12 cities/districts. Two additional areas, namely the City of Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga.

Gubsu Edy said that in implementing this micro PPKM, 2 areas must be treated with special conditions. The two areas are Medan and Sibolga.

"But in North Sumatra, there are 2 cities where emergency activities must be carried out," said Gubsu Edy to a number of journalists, Wednesday, July 7.

In his instructions, Gubsu Edy wrote that the status of the cities of Medan and Sibolga entered the level 4 criteria. This level was pinned because there were more than 30 people per 100 thousand residents in one week being hospitalized because of COVID-19.

Then, there were more than five deaths per 100,000 population and more than 150 active cases per 100,000 population in the span of two weeks.

In emergency activities in the 2 cities, Governor Edy emphasized that the restrictions were very strict. For offices, you must apply to work in an office with a capacity of 25 percent.

"Mall activities are carried out until 5 pm, marriages are arranged in one room, which is 25 percent of the capacity of the place. In fact, the governor can eliminate them," he said.

Governor Edy explained the reason for imposing emergency activities in the 2 areas. For the city of Medan, said Gubsu Edy, based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force and the Ministry of Health, the status is a red zone.

"Why Sibolga? The BOR is up to 80 percent. We will evaluate Sibolga why it is up to 80 percent," he said.

Regarding the status of Sibolga City, Edy admitted that he would directly question the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto. According to the former Kostrad Commander, it is not appropriate to place Sibolga in that category when viewed from the number of BOR usages.

"Because there is only one hospital in Sibolga that has taken COVID-19 measures. Today at 2 o'clock I will have a meeting with Pak Airlangga, I will report that Sibolga cannot be said to be like that," he said.

"Because the number of beds for Covid is only 20 rooms, if 20 rooms are used 80 percent, it means that 15 rooms have been used. Compared to the ones here, the count is far, it's only one of the criteria," he continued.

However, Governor Edy admitted that he still thinks positively. For him, this was done to prevent the spread of the corona virus from getting bigger.

"But we have a positive view, we prevent turmoil, this wave of exposure to COVID-19 is getting worse," he said.

It is known, based on the instructions of the Governor of North Sumatra, office/workplace activities in Medan-Sibolga City must carry out WFH with a capacity of 75 percent and WFO 25 percent.

Then, the implementation of teaching and learning activities is carried out online. In addition, eating/drinking activities in public places at all assessment levels are only allowed with a capacity of 25 percent until 17.00 WIB and delivery service until 20.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, shopping centers/malls are only allowed to operate until 17.00 WIB with a capacity of 25 percent. Likewise, with food stalls, cafes, street vendors, hawker stalls.

Meanwhile, level four places of worship are temporarily closed and other levels are in accordance with Ministry of Religion regulations.