Tomorrow The Minister Of Religion Issues Health Protocols To Reopen Places Of Worship

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Fachrul Razi said that his party would announce a health protocol to reopen houses of worship. This protocol is planned to be announced again on Friday, May 29.

"Why Friday afternoon, because what is rather complex is preparing for Friday prayers. So, if Friday afternoon we announce there is still one week to prepare for the following Friday," said Fachrul Razi when meeting with the DPR RI's COVID-19 Task Force on Thursday, May 28. .

In the health protocol, Fachrul said one of the things that would be touched upon was the need for places of worship to write an appeal for the public and children who are sick not to come to places of worship.

In addition to such recommendations, Fachrul also reminded a number of other health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and recommending hand washing must also be carried out in places of worship if they are opened later.

Responding to the government's desire to reopen houses of worship in this new normal era, Pandu Riono, the epidemiologist at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (UI), said that the opening of this house of worship could be done immediately and would not create a new cluster in the spread of COVID-19. However, the implementation must be done in stages.

"If (the opening of places of worship) is carried out gradually and health protocols for places of worship can be obeyed, then this potential (transmission of COVID-19) can be suppressed," said Pandu when contacted by VOI.

University of Indonesia epidemiologist Syahrizal Syarif also stated the same thing. However, it must be remembered, people who come to places of worship must follow the existing standards so that transmission of the virus can be prevented and this must be prepared by the management of places of worship.

"For example, mosque congregants have to bring their own prayer mats, check the temperature, wash hands with soap, sit and pray within a minimum distance of one meter, do not shake hands after prayer, and do not chat in groups," explained Syahrizal.

"If the discipline to follow this minimum standard is followed, it is hoped that the epidemic will decrease," added this expert.

Muslims are required to return to Friday prayers

Previously, the Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission Asrorun Niam Sholeh had emphasized that Muslims in safe areas from the spread of COVID-19 were again required to carry out Friday prayers.

"With this condition, it means that there are no more udzur syar'i who abort Friday prayers. And therefore, based on the factual conditions described by competent and credible experts, Muslims living in controlled areas are obliged to carry out Friday prayers. its implementation, "said Asrorun in his written statement.

Moreover, continued Asrorun, currently there are areas where there is absolutely no transmission and have been under control from the start. According to him, there are 110 districts and cities consisting of 87 mainland areas and 23 archipelagic regions where there are no positive cases of COVID-19. However, he did not mention which areas he meant.

So, under these conditions, according to the MUI Fatwa Number 14 of 2020, Muslims are required to hold Friday prayers and worship activities that involve large crowds, such as congregations praying five times a day, tarawih prayers and Eid al-Fitr prayers in mosques or other public places, and attend public recitation. and majelis taklim.

However, in its implementation, people need to keep themselves from being exposed to COVID-19. "Muslims maintain their health, have a clean and healthy lifestyle, bring their own prayer mats, and implement health protocols in order to maintain health and prevent transmission," he said.

He also said, there are also some things that are being adapted in the current situation of the new normal. "First, do the new normal permanently such as PHBS, online-based zakat, almsgiving. Some are still in a temporary condition, such as maintaining distance during worship. There are those who return to the old, such as the procedures for implementing mahdlah worship obligations," he concluded.