Gampong Kupie Medan And Warung Triboy Sealed For Violating The Micro PPKM

MEDAN - The Task Force (Satgas) for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Medan, North Sumatra, has temporarily closed businesses that violate health protocols and imposed restrictions on community activities (PPKM) on a micro-scale. There is Gampong Kupie, one of which is sealed or temporarily closed.

"There are two places of business that received an inspection report, and in one business, strict action was taken by sealing the place of business," said Head of the Medan City Municipal Police Law, Ardhani Syahputra, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

Ardhani said the three places of business, namely Warung Triboy and D'Teras Food & Drink, were located on Gaperta street, while the place of business which was sealed, Gampong Kupie, was on Gaperta Ujung street.

These three places of business are hangout centers or community gatherings at night, and are the targets of judicial operations in Medan Helvetia District on Monday, July 5 evening.

The COVID-19 Task Force Team for the Acceleration of Handling the City of Medan routinely conducts health patrols and micro-scale PPKM supervision in accordance with the Medan Mayor's Circular No. 440/5352 dated June 23, 2021.

"Eat and drink service business activities in this circular letter are limited to 20.00 western Indonesia time. Meanwhile, the three business places are still operating even though the clock shows 21.00 western Indonesia time," said Ardhani.