Last Week 3 Regions, Now The East Java Red Zone Soared To 20 Regions

SURABAYA - The East Java COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force confirmed that there were 20 areas with red zone status or high risk of spreading cases of the new Coronavirus.

"Last week there were only three regions, namely Banyuwangi Regency, Bondowoso, and Madiun City. But this week 20 regions", said Member of the East Java COVID-19 Curative Task Force, dr. Makhyan Jibril was quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

According to him, the drastic spike in positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in several areas has caused the increase in the red zone status.

It is suspected that this condition occurred as a result of the increase in mobility that occurred two weeks ago, plus a new variant of COVID-19 so that the increase in cases was almost evenly distributed in East Java.

"Therefore, based on the epidemiological count of the Central COVID-19 Task Force, there are 20 cities/regencies that are included in the red zone", continued Jibril.

The task force advised the entire community in East Java to really implement the implementation of a total emergency community activity restriction (PPKM) in the hope that the case could be suppressed.

"My message is 'One M', which is Do Manuto or means obey", he said.

A total of 20 regions with red zone status are Banyuwangi, Ngawi, Lamongan, Sampang, Probolinggo City, Malang, Bangkalan, Madiun City, Pamekasan, Mojokerto City, Magetan, Ponorogo, Malang City, Sidoarjo, Kediri City, Situbondo, Nganjuk, Lumajang, Kota Batu and Bondowoso.

A total of 18 areas with orange zone status (moderate risk of transmission), namely Pasuruan City, Gresik, Sumenep, Blitar City, Madiun, Pacitan, Kediri, Probolinggo, Surabaya City, Tuban, Tulungagung, Blitar, Jember, Trenggalek, Pasuruan, Bojonegoro, Mojokerto and Jombang.

Thus, no area in East Java has the status of a yellow zone (low risk of transmission) and a green zone (no risk of transmission).

Based on the East Java COVID-19 Handling Task Force as of 16.00 WIB Tuesday, July 6, there were 1,808 new cases of COVID-19, then 1,077 cases recovered and 122 cases died.

Cumulatively to date, 182,076 cases have been confirmed, of which 12,494 cases (6.86 percent) have been treated, then the recovery rate has reached 156.444 cases (85.92 percent), and 13,138 cases (7.21 percent) have died.