Cilincing Village Head: An Isolation Place For Nagrak Flats Becomes Shock Therapy For Local Residents To Obey Health Protocol

JAKARTA - North Jakarta Head of Cilincing Village, Sumarno said the existence of the Nagrak Flats as a controlled and independent isolation place for COVID-19 patients was a shock therapy for the surrounding community.

Sumarno said the controlled self-isolation location to accommodate COVID-19 patients without symptoms was close to and still in the same area as the residential area of RW 011 (Citizens Association), Cilincing Village.

"This can also be a shock therapy for residents to be more obedient and never ignore health protocols wherever they are", said Sumarno, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

The controlled self-isolation location in the Nagrak Flat is in a white and blue building. Meanwhile, the white and brown flats are inhabited by residents of RW 011.

According to Sumarno, the existence of the five towers of the Nagrak Flats which are used as locations for self-isolation of COVID-19 patients without symptoms across from residents' residences must have a psychological effect.

"There must be a psychological effect, where almost every day I see an ambulance or school bus carrying COVID-19 patients to the Nagrak Flat", said Sumarno.

Based on that, Sumarno hopes to increase people's interest in participating in vaccinations to form community group immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

"Because COVID-19 does exist and can attack anyone", said Sumarno.

To accelerate the formation of citizen immunity, Cilincing Village officials along with other related elements continue to move to remind residents to immediately register themselves in the COVID-19 vaccination program at the nearest health facility.

"Almost every day we continue to urge residents to remain disciplined about health protocols with 5M and immediately take advantage of the vaccination program", said Sumarno

Sumarno said that his party also carried out dynamic vaccination activities at the Cilincing I Community Health Center by involving cross-sectors, cadres, and other elements.

A total of 381 residents of Nagrak Flats participated in the COVID-19 vaccination program on the first day or Monday, July 5.

Furthermore, the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination on the second day will be targeted at around 200 people.

Sumarno added that the time for vaccination, which was originally only two days, will also be increased to five days so that it can reach all residents who live in the Nagrak Flat.