Reasons For The Suspect To Upload A Porn Video Like Syahrini

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya investigators have officially named MS a suspect in the case of spreading hoaxes of 'pornographic video artist Syahrini'. From the results of the investigation, there are two main motives behind the case.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said, MS as the owner of the Instagram account @ danunyinyir99 uploaded the pornographic content to get a lot of money.

This is because the suspect received income from social media. So, by uploading controversial content, it is hoped that you will get big benefits.

"Because the suspect's follower is quite large and that is what he does every day, he gets income from endorsers," said Yusri in Jakarta, Thursday, May 28.

From the examination of MS, it was revealed that there was another motive for the case. The suspect felt hurt towards Syahrini because he was considered to have snatched the closest person from the figure he idolized.

So, with these two motives, MS was determined to upload pornographic photos and videos featuring a woman with a face similar to Syahrini.

"The confession concerned has hatred towards the victim, because he is a public fan of another figure and accuses this victim of taking people closest to his fans," said Yusri.


Yusri continued, the disclosure of this case after Syahrini reported the alleged defamation on 12 May. Then, investigators from Subdit IV Cyber Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya immediately followed up by tracing digital traces.

Until finally, a week later to be precise on May 19, the suspect was arrested at his residence without a fight. Several pieces of evidence, such as passbooks and cell phones were immediately confiscated.

"MS was arrested at his residence in Kediri, East Java and immediately taken to Polda Metro for questioning," said Yusri.

As a result of his actions, MS was charged with Article 27 and Article 45 of the ITE Law. The suspect is also subject to Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Pornography Law and faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 250 million to Rp. 6 billion.

Hunt down other suspected actors

Even though they have named a suspect, investigators are still developing this case. Because, based on the investigation, there were other parties who were involved and participated in spreading the pornographic videos through social media accounts.

"The (second) account is still running and we are still pursuing its position on the island of Bali," said Yusri

The second account that spreads pornographic content similar to Syahrini, @ rumpi.manja.official. However, during the investigation process, his party had secured the first owner of the account.

However, the first owner of the account said that he had sold the account to someone else and did not know anything else. From this information the investigators managed to pocket their identity. However, investigators are still investigating the relationship between the two accounts that uploaded the Syahrini-like pornographic video.

"Is there a relationship with this other account, we are investigating," concluded Yusri.