Facebook Kembangkan Platform Video Kolaborasi Ala TikTok

JAKARTA - Facebook launched their new innovative feature, Collab. A music video mix and match platform, which at first glance has a similar idea to TikTok.

Even so, Facebook's NPE development team said that the service would provide a new experience for users. Music creators can also upload their own musical instruments which are then collaborated with popular songs on the platform.

As the name Collab suggests, this platform allows users to create new songs from collaboration between accounts. If not, users can mix and match according to their personal music tastes.

"There is no need for musical experience and that you can create your own compositions by adding in your own recordings or by swiping the screen and find the basic music to finish your composition," said the Facebook as quoted by The Verge, Thursday, May 28.

After users create a collaboration video, they can share it in the app feed. The resulting collaborations can also be published to other social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook Stories.

"Digital space can connect us when we can't be together directly, and Collab is a new way to create (music videos) together," said Facebook.

Unfortunately the duration of the Collab video is no more than 15 seconds. Because Facebook does not want to focus its product on professional purposes, but to have fun experimenting with using musical instruments.

With this application, Facebook hopes that if Collab proves to be successful in the realm of music, Collab can grow organically as a powerful set of tools for other music media formats.

This is also what TikTok has adopted, in collaborating its short video content to get positive reactions from netizens. Currently Facebook Collab is still in the testing phase and will not be released in the near future.