When Sophia Latjuba Learned To Ride A Motorcycle, Warganet: Oops, You're Scratched

JAKARTA - It's never too late to learn. Trying new things at 50? no problem. The proof is that Sophia Latjuba has just learned to ride a motorcycle now.

This was revealed from Sophia's upload on her personal Instagram @sophia_latjuba88 which has been verified. In the short video, Sophia is seen riding a white motorcycle with the same colored helmet.

"Finally learning to ride a motorcycle," he wrote.

Looking at the number plate, Sophie seems to be in Bali. He went back and forth to try out the automatic motor.

The upload made Donna Agnesia amazed. He wrote a fun comment with a smile and love icon in the comments column.

Meanwhile, other netizens are no less exciting.

"A 50-year-old mother learning to ride a motorbike looks like an 18-year-old," wrote @eka ***.

"Ohhhh, don't be afraid of your blisters," wrote Henr**** in the comment column of Sophia Latjuba's upload.