JPPI Urges UI And UIII Rectors Who Cum Commissioners To Resign: Don't Mortgage Cheap Campus

JAKARTA - Recently, the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia, Ari Kuncoro, has become a topic of discussion because he was caught concurrently serving as Deputy Commissioner at Bank BRI. Investigate a calibaration, a similar incident also occurred at the International Islamic University of Indonesia (UIII). This is alleged to have violated the regulations. Therefore, the Indonesian Education Monitoring Network (JPPI) urged the rectors who held concurrent positions to resign immediately.

JPPI National Coordinator Ubaid Matraji suspected that the dual position of Rector of UI violated Government Regulation (PP) Number: 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the University of Indonesia Article 35 letter c. The regulation prohibits the chancellor from holding positions in BUMN/Private/Regional companies. "Unfortunately, despite getting a lot of public criticism, until now UI is still silent," said Ubaid in a written statement.

The Chancellor of UI was not the only one holding concurrent positions. The Chancellor of UIII said Ubaid, who is also the Independent Commissioner of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), is suspected of violating PP No. 23 of 2019 concerning the UIII Statute. "Both the Chancellor of UI and UIII are strongly suspected of violating the law, campus statutes."

It is known that the UIII campus will only operate in September 2021. For this reason, Ubaid said "it must be a good example. Moreover, this is an international campus that is predicted by the president as the center of civilization of the Islamic world. Therefore, the chancellor must also have high integrity. ."

Still according to Ubaid, the rector of UI and UIII is like an iceberg phenomenon. He suspects that there are still many possibilities for this concurrent position to be carried out by rectors at other campuses. "It's just that the public doesn't know and they're still hiding."

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Ubaid had two reasons, firstly why the two rectors had to be forced to resign. First, the campus is an institution that acts as a moral force, a place where the moral movement and character education of the nation's leaders are forged.

"What will happen if the intellectuals on campus exemplify immoral behavior by taking actions that are clearly prohibited in the regulations. This is certainly a bad thing that must be avoided," said Ubaid.

Second, according to Ubaid, campuses also play a major role in social control. When fighting over political issues that are full of interests, often the campus movement and also the chancellors express their attitude and get involved in disputes to mediate and also uphold the principles of justice and side with the weak.

"Therefore, the roles of campuses and their leaders (chancellors) should not be pawned with the lure of positions or political interests that influence them," he said.

In addition, Ubaid also regretted why Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) let these cases happen. Whereas the two institutions should have been able to detect earlier and eliminate the case of this dual position.

"But in fact, this happens a lot. And the public also suspects that BI and OJK may do something wrong," said Ubaid.