Ornamental Plants That Are Suitable To Place In The Bedroom

JAKARTA - Collecting ornamental plants is apparently still a trend this year. Not even just a hobby, this lifestyle is also everyone's choice to beautify the space, from the living room to the bedroom.

Although it can turn a room into a more aesthetically pleasing one, choosing ornamental plants should be done, especially when you want to put them in the bedroom. Therefore, VOI editorial team summarizes from various sources a number of ornamental plants that are suitable to be placed in the bedroom.


In addition to its bright color, Lavender is one of the plants that can reduce blood pressure and calm the heart. So, this one ornamental plant not only beautifies the room but is also able to maintain health. In fact, this one flower is also believed to improve the quality of sleep at night when you inhale the aroma.


This small white flower not only beautifies the bedroom but can also provide benefits for the owner. Quoted from Dreams, Monday, July 5, a study from Wheeling University proves that its aroma can reduce a person's anxiety level. Even the smell can also improve the quality of sleep of insomniacs. You can put it on the windowsill and water it regularly until it blooms.


Its white color and unique shape make lily a plant that is in great demand today. Even behind its beauty, this one flower is also suitable to be placed in the bedroom.

Reporting from Bobvila, Lily flowers are believed to be able to reduce the number of microbes that can trigger allergies due to dirty air around the house. You can place it next to the door or in the corner of the room to make the room look more aesthetic.

Aloe vera

Not only is it a mainstay of natural beauty treatments, but Aloe Vera is also one of the best plants to put in the room. With its unique shape and soothing color, this plant is also believed to produce good oxygen at night.

So the benefits not only beautify the room but also improve the air quality in the room. Does not require complicated care, this plant only needs direct sunlight, so you can place it near a window.


The snake plant, also known as the Sansevieria can be a choice of plants to beautify the bedroom. Not without reason, but this one plant has benefits that should be felt. Among them is to clean as well as freshen the air and improve sleep quality.