Dry Season Arrives, Forest And Land Fires Appear In Pelalawan

PEKANBARU – This dry season makes forest fires happen again in Riau. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Riau Province was forced to deploy two helicopters to the location of forest and land fires in Kuala Kampar, Pelalawan Regency, Sunday, July 4, to extinguish the forest and land fires in that place.

"Two helicopters were sent to the location to carry out a 'water boom' on the burning land," said Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Riau Province M. Edy Afrizal in Pekanbaru, Sunday.

He explained that the location of the forest and land fires in Kuala Kampar was in the middle of the wilderness so that officers could not extinguish the fire by land. His party also continues to coordinate with the BPBD of Pelalawan Regency to jointly deal with forest and land fires in the area so that fires do not spread to other areas.

Edy said that currently there are three helicopters on standby to assist the process of extinguishing forest and land fires in Riau Province. Of the three helicopters, today two units were flown to Pelalawan to help extinguish the land in Kuala Kampar, while another unit is still on standby at the Roesmin Nurjadin Air Force Base Pekanbaru.

A few days earlier, the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) had modified the weather in an effort to help create rain in the Riau region. Currently, the Riau region is entering the transition from the rainy season to the dry season, so the potential for forest fires must be watched out for.

The local government also reminded the community not to clear land by burning because the impact is dangerous for the environment and humans.