Pangdam Jaya Asks RT/RW To Strictly Monitor DKI Red Zone

JAKARTA - Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Mulyo Aji appealed to the heads of RT and RW in DKI Jakarta to carry out strict supervision, especially in areas categorized as red zones.

"We hope that there will be maximum control over access to and from places that are indeed red (zones)," said Mulyo Aji at a press conference at Polda Metro Jaya, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2.

Mulyo said, RT and RW must always monitor the red zone so that there is no mass movement, except for activities that are essential and critical.

For RTs with red zones or there are more than five houses positively exposed to COVID-19, he hopes that there will be restrictions on access for guests and residents.

"So that there is no transmission, secondly there will be no crowds. We can see these two things from your cell phone activities," said Mulyo.

In addition, Mulyo also advised that RT/RW can ensure that there is no shift in exposure to COVID-19. For example, transmission of the virus to neighbors in one area.

If there is a shift with the addition of the number of cases, the RT/RW is considered not working optimally in handling COVID-19.

Therefore, he hopes that during the Emergency PPKM period 3-20 July 2021, all parties and residents participate in protecting themselves and preventing virus transmission.

"The task force is a designation, but the place that exists is all of us. This indicator cannot work and is appropriate if there is no community participation," said Mulyo.