Do Not Forget! Those Of You Who Want To Travel Must Bag A COVID-19 Vaccination Letter During An Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - Those of you who plan to travel during the Java-Bali emergency PPKM period must pay attention to the rules of travel requirements as of July 3-20 July. This rule regulates the conditions for sea, air, land and rail travelers to apply.

The travel rules are contained in Circular Number 14 of 2021 regarding the provisions for travel for domestic people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The head of BNPB, Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito, said that COVID-19 vaccination is a mandatory requirement for those who want to travel. Anyone wishing to travel must present a certificate of the first dose of vaccine.

"Furthermore, the provision of vaccination requirements is applied to travelers whose first travels are required to show their first dose of vaccine card," said Ganip, in a virtual press conference, Friday, July 2.

However, Ganip said, this rule is excluded for travelers with special needs. Even so, those who fall into this category must show a certificate from a specialist doctor and show a negative PCR or rapid antigen test certificate as a condition of travel.

"Passengers with special interests who are not or have not been used for medical reasons based on information from specialist doctors can travel by showing a negative letter for RT PCR or rapid antigen," he said.

According to Ganip, there are a number of substances in the SE. First, every traveler is required to apply the 3M health protocol, one of which is the use of masks.

Ganip said that travelers must wear masks that cover their noses and mouths. Not only that, wearing a medical mask, so as not to speak during the trip.

"The tightening of this protocol emphasizes wearing masks correctly, masks must cover the nose and mouth. Wearing a three-layer cloth mask or medical mask, not talking one or two directions during the trip," he explained.

No eating during the trip

Travelers who use public transportation are prohibited from eating during the trip. However, said Ganip, there are exceptions for those who want to take medicine for medical reasons.

"You are not allowed to eat and drink on a trip of less than two hours except for medical purposes such as taking medicine," said Ganip.

Then, travelers are required to show a negative COVID-19 certificate through an antigen swab test or PCR. If there are travelers who are symptomatic, even though they have a negative COVID-19 certificate, they are not allowed to continue the trip.

"If the results of the PCR or antigen test are negative, but are symptomatic, they are not allowed to continue the journey and must carry out PCR and isoman diagnostic tests in the waiting room," he said