Head of Military Command: Violators Of Health Protocols Strictly Penalized

MALANG - Violators of the COVID-19 handling health protocol, during the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), on July 3-20 will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

The Head of Staff for the Regional Military Command V Brawijaya, Brigadier General Agus Setiawan said that the sanctions would be given according to the President's instructions delivered by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

"Sanctions will be given strictly, there will be no compromise. Because, since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been several activities such as PSBB, Micro PPKM, and others. Now PPKM is Emergency, and this is not education and socialization", Agus said, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2.

Agus explained that the sanctions imposed for violators of the health protocol during the Emergency PPKM will be carried out firmly, considering that currently the public has understood all the rules regarding the implementation of the health protocol.

According to him, the sanctions will be adjusted to the applicable provisions and the level of violation. He gave an example, if a violation occurs at a place of business, repeatedly, the closure of the place of business will be carried out.

"If those who violate it are places of business, when they have been warned twice, for the third time they will be closed", said Agus.

Meanwhile, for people who violate the rules for implementing health protocols, Agus continued, they will be given sanctions according to the level of error. In fact, if violations continue to occur, legal proceedings will be carried out according to applicable regulations.

"For example, if you don't wear a mask, there will still be a crowd, we must disperse. If it keeps repeating, we will file a case, we will process it according to the applicable law. The level of punishment is in accordance with the violation", he explained

In the implementation of the Emergency PPKM, the implementation of Micro PPKM at the Citizens Association level will also be strengthened. Agus admitted that his party will carry out isolation at several points, by deploying members of the TNI.

In addition, there will be additional officers from the National Police and the Civil Service Police Unit in each region. However, this time the partition was not carried out as massively as during the last Eid al-Fitr holiday.

"There will be closures and inspections. The blocking will continue and we will increase the thickness of our troops. So, this is massive, and we will seriously carry out the tightening", said Agus.

The central government has set the implementation of Emergency PPKM on July 3-20, 2021 to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Some of the provisions issued are tightening the obligation to work from home, for all non-essential sector workers, and teaching and learning activities are carried out online.

For the essential sector, a maximum of 50 percent of the staff working in the office by following strict health protocols, and 100 percent for the critical sector.

The government allows modern markets, traditional markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets to operate until 20.00 WIB, with a capacity of 50 percent of visitors. For pharmacies, it is allowed to operate for 24 hours.

However, the government decided to close other shopping and trading centers during the implementation of the Emergency PPKM.