Emergency PPKM, Hypermart Boss, Subsidiary Of Conglomerate Mochtar Riady Asks Whether Supermarkets Can Be Opened At Malls

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) has asked for certainty regarding shops and supermarkets in malls that can still be operationally open during the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on July 3-20 2021.

According to Aprindo General Chair Roy Nicholas Mandey, the Emergency PPKM guidelines in Java and Bali do not provide a detailed definition of "supermarket" operations inside and outside the mall.

In the guidelines, supermarkets, traditional markets and supermarkets that sell daily necessities will continue to operate with limited hours until 20.00 WIB. On the other hand, shopping malls, malls and trade centers were closed.

"We ask for certainty about this definition, not to have multiple interpretations. 'Supermarkets' that provide basic needs such as meat and vegetables are inside the mall, while those outside the mall, almost 90 percent of which are supermarkets, are daily necessities," said Roy. , quoted from Antara, Friday 2 July.

Roy, who is the Independent Vice President Commissioner of PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA), explained that supermarkets, traditional markets, supermarkets and grocery stores are included in the same definition, namely selling daily necessities.

This rule is feared to give multiple interpretations to regional heads who will issue circulars and decrees.

"Multi-interpretation will occur in the regions. The words "mall closed" are immediately translated by the regional head, the parking lot is closed, the door is closed, how "supermarkets" and "hypermarkets" must be opened in the mall, said Roy.

Basically, the entrepreneurs under Aprindo appreciate the Emergency PPKM policy implemented by the government in order to tackle the spike in active cases and break the chain of virus transmission, especially the new variant.

However, Aprindo also regrets that the government does not involve business actors in public communication on the implementation of Emergency PPKM, so that the rules and definitions do not lead to multiple interpretations.