Grimes And Elon Musk Child Names Changed: X Æ A-12 So X Æ A-Xii

JAKARTA - After shocking the public with their child's name, Grimes and Elon Musk again announced that they had changed their child's name. Originally, the name was X Æ A-12 but changed to X Æ A-Xii (Ex Ash A Twelve). There is a reason behind changing the number 12 to Roman.

Through his Instagram, the Oblivion singer interacts with fans. When one fan wrote, “Did you change the baby's name because of Californian rules? What's the baby's new name? " Grimes wrote X Æ A-Xii under the question.

Then, another fan wrote “Great! Just erase the numbers to confirm it to California rules, "

"Roman number. It actually looks better, ”replied the 32-year-old singer.

As it turned out, California rules did not allow numbers in a name so Grimes replaced them with roman numerals. The singer also said that the use of a single hyphen is allowed.

Early May, Grimes gave birth to Elon Musk's first child named X Æ A-Xii. It means several things that have to do with Grimes and Musk's favorite things, one of which is their favorite aircraft, the SR-71, the newest model of the A-12.

Now, both of them are enjoying their new role as parents. It can be seen from their social media uploads which are filled with photos of Grimes and Musk holding their child.