Sad News From Lebak, COVID-19 Patients Who Died Increased By 3, So A Total Of 95 People

JAKARTA - COVID-19 patients in Lebak Regency, Banten, died as of Thursday, increasing to three people, bringing the total to 95 people from the previous 92 people.

"Today, we received reports of three patients who died," said Spokesperson for the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Acceleration and Handling Task Force, Firman Rahmatullah in Lebak, as reported by Antara, Friday, July 2.

The total number of COVID-19 patients in Lebak Regency who died was recorded at 95 people from the previous 92 people and they received medical treatment at the hospital.

Most likely they were COVID-19 patients who died, because their condition was severe and had complications from co-morbidities.

"All patients who died were buried according to the COVID-19 protocol," he said.

According to him, so far, the spread of the corona virus in Lebak Regency since the last two days has been stagnant and has not increased.

Currently, he said, the only increase was deaths from 92 people to 95 people.

Meanwhile, he said, as of Thursday, there were 4,631 people who were exposed to COVID-19, 3,570 people recovered and 966 people were isolated and undergoing medical treatment.

Likewise, residents who were exposed to COVID-19 on Wednesday, July 30 recorded 4,631 people, 3,570 people recovered and 969 people.

"We hope that the spread of the corona virus can be controlled by complying with the health protocol," he said.

He said the transmission of the corona virus in Lebak Regency was in the red zone for the spread of COVID-19, so that when leaving the house, people were required to wear masks, maintain distance, and wash their hands with soap.

Local governments are now implementing micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM) to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The micro-scale PPKM officers involved the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of the Lebak Regency Government, the TNI and the Police.

They PPKM officers continue to optimize mask operations, disperse crowds to disseminate education about the dangers of corona virus transmission.

"We ask residents to be able to love themselves, their families and loved ones to discipline health protocols to break the chain of spread of COVID-19," he said.