5 Lip Kissing Techniques That Make Couples More Passionate

JAKARTA – Physical activity for couples is important because it is useful for maintaining the warmth of the relationship and the close chemistry. Such as physical activity that is often done during sex, namely kissing lips.

Psychologically, kissing activity is also able to relieve stress, anxiety, and increase oxytocin or the love hormone. By kissing the lips, feelings of happiness will develop and can be done with several techniques.

Bitting or lip-sucking

As reported by Yourtango, Thursday, July 1, kissing the lips is good for couples, especially when doing foreplay, because it can stimulate a partner's sexual desire. Bitting lips or lip kisses accompanied by small bites, effectively increase passion.

While the lip-sucking technique by sucking the partner's lips gently. Need to be careful when doing this. Measure the rhythm, energy, and know for sure the condition of the partner. Because if it's too tight, it can ruin the 'warm' atmosphere with your partner.

Mid-sex kiss

For halal couples, having sex requires variety. Also, add a kiss on the lips in the middle of making love. The lip kissing technique that this couple will definitely like involves the tongue and mouth. Be careful, a kiss that is too wet can interfere with the romantic atmosphere.

French kiss

Because this kiss is considered to make 'wet', it needs to be done when the moment is right. The French kiss technique involves the tongue. Let the tongue explore his mouth and your partner will be highly aroused.

The advice, do not to go too deep and involve the tongue too often. Make the romantic atmosphere a little mysterious and adorable.

The melancholy romantic

The romantic atmosphere is often synonymous with dim light and kissing lips for a few seconds. To make your relationship with your partner more romantic, this lip kissing technique can be done. The trick, put your lips on your partner's lips and hold for a few seconds with a little pressure.

Close the kissing session by releasing the lips while sweeping the tongue all over the partner's lips.

Little kiss

The next technique, land your lips on the lips of a partner, just a glance. Then look away, try to stay cool so that the partner pursues further. This method can be done to float code.

Besides giving a kiss on the lips, it is also important to give a kiss on the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks. A simple kiss that is not 'wet' is also very meaningful because it can increase your partner's confidence.

Expressing an emotional bond with your partner doesn't always involve physical touch, but if you don't do it, it can have a big effect on the warmth of your relationship.