Terrace House Player, Hana Kimura, Passed Away

JAKARTA - Hana Kimura, a professional wrestler who became a player in the Netflix reality show, Terrace House, has passed away. This news was informed by Stardom Wrestling as the organization that houses Kimura through social media on Friday, May 22.

He died at the age of 22. In its official statement, Stardom wrote, "We apologize for the news that our Hana Kimura has passed away. Please respect and allow a moment to process some matters."

Reporting from Variety, Instagram Story Hana Kimura showed her photo with a cat with the words "goodbye". He also tweeted several times that he didn't want to be 'human' anymore.

The bullying he received digitally was also recognized. "Thank you all for supporting me. I love it. I am weak, I apologize," he wrote.

During his life, Hana Kimura started his career as a wrestler in 2016. Kimura followed in the footsteps of his mother, Kyoko Kimura, who had a career as a professional wrestler. After winning the title in his first match, he joined Stardom to develop his wrestling career.

He had won the Artist of Stardom Championship and Goddess of Stardom Championship. It does not stop there, his name is increasingly rising with his appearance in the Netflix reality show, Terrace House: Tokyo.

The reality show tells of six adults living together and facing challenges. At that time, the production process was being halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hana Kimura also joins the series.

Both Hana Kimura fans and Terrace House viewers felt deep sorrow as a result of leaving their idol. Friends and co-workers sent their condolences on a number of social media.

Su Yung, Kimura's friend wrote, “I won't forget you. I have much to say… my heart hurts. Will not forget you, "he wrote in one sentence accompanied by a photo together with Kimura.

In addition, wrestler Jamie Hayter said “Beautiful soul. Good. I can't put into words how angry I was. I hope you find peace. This is not true. I feel sad."

Stardom has not revealed the cause of Hana Kimura's death, but prayers and condolences have been uploaded by netizens to accompany her departure. Goodbye, Hana Kimura.