Husband Cravings When Wife Is Pregnant, Is There?

JAKARTA - Have you ever heard of the phenomenon of husband cravings when his wife is pregnant? Apparently, this phenomenon is not a figment, you know. It sounds weird, really. Imagining the prospective father will also feel a number of changes, from physical to psychological even though his wife is pregnant. But the fact is that this actually happened. Well, if your husband has or is experiencing this, let's find out why!

So, the condition of cravings experienced by the husband is known as couvade syndrome. This syndrome is very normal for the future father to feel when his wife is pregnant. Uniquely, the symptoms of couvade syndrome that are felt by the husband are also almost the same as the symptoms of pregnancy that the wife feels, you know. Starting from physical symptoms such as morning sickness, leg cramps, changes in appetite, fatigue, headaches, cravings, to psychological symptoms such as hormonal disorders, mood changes, and anxiety disorders. This general condition is only temporary. Later after the baby is born, Couvade syndrome disappears on its own.

Couvade syndrome or the phenomenon of husband cravings is often felt by the husband when his wife is pregnant in the first trimester and a few weeks before delivery. Actually, the cause of this syndrome is related to the psychological problems felt by the husband when his wife was pregnant. Yup, pregnancy is indeed good news, but who would have thought that the husband would store excessive stress and anxiety after hearing the news.

The father-to-be is sometimes very emotional when facing his wife's pregnancy. various feelings of anxiety then raise questions in the mind such as whether he is able to carry out his duties and responsibilities as a father, to a number of "nonsense" questions that cause excessive anxiety and lead to stress. When you are stressed, the hormone testosterone decreases and the hormone estrogen becomes unbalanced. Well, this unstable hormonal condition triggers the symptoms of pregnancy as felt by the wife.

In addition, the condition of the husband's cravings can arise because of a great sense of empathy for the wife's pregnancy. Well, if the bond between husband and wife is strong, then the husband will feel the greater the possibility of couvade syndrome. No wonder this syndrome is also known as sympathetic pregnancy.

Unfortunately, there is no specific medicine to relieve the symptoms of husband cravings for couvade syndrome. But because it is likely that the trigger for the syndrome is stress, the prospective father is asked to prepare mentally and must have the ability to manage stress well. In this case, the wife also plays an important role.

Talk to your husband often and help him calm the mood. Involving your husband in every opportunity for an obstetrical examination or participating in pregnancy exercises together looks fun! If pregnancy is brought to enjoy, surely all these challenges will feel easier to live.