Sad News From Gunungkidul, Dozens Of Health Workers At Wonosari Hospital Exposed To COVID-19

JAKARTA - A total of 46 health workers at the Wonosari Regional General Hospital in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, were exposed to COVID-19 due to a very heavy workload, along with the high daily addition of COVID-19 cases in this region. 46 health workers have confirmed COVID-19. However, the data may change because some have finished undergoing isolation," said Head of the Gunung Kidul Health Service, Dewi Irawaty in Gunung Kidul, as reported by Antara, Sunday, June 27. This service does not only serve confirmed COVID-19 patients, but also other health services. This is due to the heavy burden of health workers at the Wonosari Hospital because they serve patients with mild to severe symptoms, so they are very susceptible to infection. "Currently, Wonosari Hospital lacks health personnel to provide health services. The region (BKPPD) has the authority," Dewi said. Furthermore, Dewi said that since June, especially this week, the addition of daily cases was more than 150 cases. On Saturday, June 26, the addition of cases broke the daily record, namely 253 new cases. , bringing the total cases during the COVID-19 pandemic to 5,554 cases. Of the total, 1,791 are still active cases, 3,535 recovered, 228 died. "The majority of confirmed COVID-19 patients are undergoing independent isolation with close supervision from health workers at each of the nearest puskesmas. Meanwhile, the availability of beds (TT) fluctuates. 90 percent, out of a total of 121 TT. The Wonosari Hospital is full," said Dewi. Meanwhile, Wonosari Hospital Director Heru Sulistiyowati said that currently the isolation room at Wonosari Hospital was full. This is exacerbated by the lack of human resources (HR) because there are several nurses who have been confirmed positive. So the potential for exposure to COVID-19 is very high. "We are short of health workers. On the other hand, the number of confirmed patients who need treatment is also increasing. Even the availability of beds for confirmed patients is always full," he said.