3 Bodies Of Victims Of KKB Shooting Leader Tendius Gwijangge Evacuated, Bingki Tribal Chief Obaja Nang Still In Treatment

PAPUA - The bodies of three victims of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) attack in Bingki Village, Serafala District, Yahukimo Regency were evacuated to Merauke for burial, Saturday, June 26 today.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Kamal, said the three bodies were victims of the KKB attack that occurred on Thursday, June 24, which killed four people and shot one injured.

"The body has been evacuated to Merauke for burial in the city, while another person, namely Ezar Tuwonusa (60) remains in Dekai", said Ahmad in Jayapura, Saturday, June 26.

The three bodies that were evacuated to Merauke were Sudarto (45), Rufaidin (40), and Suardi (60).

Meanwhile, the gunshot wound victim, who is also the Head of Bingki Village, Obaja Nang, was evacuated to Jayapura to receive treatment for his gunshot wound.

The attack on civilians carried out by the KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge alias Tendinus Murib began with shooting a truck transporting materials belonging to PT Papua Crenoma, Wednesday, June 23. On Thursday, June 24, the same group attacked Kampung Bingki.

Currently, joint TNI-Polri personnel is still pursuing the KKB led by Tendius Gwijangge alias Tendinus Murib.