Ganga's Personal Experience Embodied In Whiskey Bottle Song

JAKARTA - Solois Gangga released a new song titled Whiskey Bottle on Friday, June 25.

Whiskey Bottle is an acoustic song that tells the story of a person's journey that summarizes the memories and memories of his broken heart. The expression of missing someone but on the other hand is trying to forget his past.

The title of Whiskey Bottle is likened to a process of sadness and emotion that is mixed from a bottle of Whiskey. Instead of escaping, a bottle of Whiskey can remind him of the person he likes.

The new song has the same story as Forever, a song that was released in March.

“In this Whiskey Bottle, I will tell you the process that I went through before I entered the Forever phase. From the music in this song, I want to go through this phase, sadness, and heartbreak, more relaxed to be able to understand and accept the sadness that I have", said the singer whose real name is Gangga Kusuma.

Singer Petra Sihombing co-produced and composed the lyrics with Ganga. In addition, there is Mohammed Kamga as vocal director.

Whiskey Bottle is one of the ammunition before releasing their first album in August. The song Whiskey Bottle from Gangga can now be listened to digitally.
