Buying And Selling Challenges Through Social Media, 4 Gangs Of 'Sultan' In Cirebon Agree To Duel For Swords And Sickles

CIREBON - The Cirebon City Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Sat Reskrim), West Java Police arrested 20 gang members involved in a brawl using sharp weapons. The case began when each of the gangs traded challenges on social media.
"We have arrested 20 people from four groups of juvenile delinquents (gangs) who were involved in a brawl," said Cirebon City Police Chief AKBP Imron Ermawan, in Cirebon as reported by Antara, Friday, June 25.
According to him, as many as 20 teenagers are members of four gangs involved in a brawl on Sunday, 23 in the morning and disturbing local residents.
He said four gangs were involved in the brawl, including Jagasatru Famz, Tepak, Sik Asik, and Sultan. These four gangs challenge each other through social media to compete for power.
They, said Imron, attacked each other using sharp weapons. After agreeing to meet on Jalan Petratean, Cirebon City.
"In addition to controlling sharp weapons, they also carry out acts of beatings in public. And from each gang there are also injured victims," he said again.
Imron added that the injured victims were also named suspects, because malicious intentions had emerged since the agreement for a brawl was made.
In addition to securing 20 suspects, said Imron, his party also confiscated nine sharp weapons in the form of swords and sickles.
"We also confiscated the cell phones and motorbikes used by the suspects. As a result of their actions, they were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code and Emergency Law Number 12/1951. The threats were at least seven and 10 years in prison," he said.