Moeldoko: The Second Wave Of The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Inevitable, The Government Moves Quickly

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia was inevitable with the increasing number of new cases. As a result, hospitals are overcrowded and health workers are overwhelmed.

"Hospitals and medical personnel are overwhelmed, the second wave is inevitable. For that the government is moving very swiftly and acting quickly", he said, quoted from Instagram @dr_moeldoko on Friday, June 25.

The government's alertness and swift action continued, as evidenced by the addition of health facilities, the provision of the best drugs, and the pursuit of the COVID-19 vaccination target of reaching one million doses per day. Not only that, the government through related parties always carries out of 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment).

However, the government cannot work alone in dealing with the spread of COVID-19. To deal with the pandemic, all parties need to work together and public awareness is needed.

"Therefore, I invite all of us to further increase social awareness by remaining disciplined and taking care of each other by always implementing the 5M health protocol, wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility or activities", said Moeldoko

The former TNI Commander also regrets that there are still community groups that are ignorant of the dangers of the pandemic. "I can understand that this pandemic has brought quite a lot of changes," he said.

"We must be willing to limit routine activities by running Micro-Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) scale, so we must refrain from various activities that may have become our habits", added Moeldoko.

The Ministry of Health released additional positive cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, June 24. In this data, of the 136,896 specimens examined, there were 20,574 new positive cases of COVID-19.

Today's new cases are the highest number during the pandemic. Previously, the most daily COVID-19 cases occurred on June 23 with 15,308 cases.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 2,053,995 people and 171,542 active cases", said Ministry of Health data, Thursday, June 24.

Today's recovered cases increased by 9,201 cases, bringing the total to 1,826,504 recovered people. Then, positive confirmed cases who died increased by 355 people and a total of 55,949 people.

The province with the newest cases is DKI Jakarta with 7,505 cases and a total of 494,462 cases. Followed by Central Java which has 4,384 new cases with a total of 239,818 cases. West Java has 3,053 new cases and a total of 356,682 cases. Then, East Java has 945 new cases and a total of 166,831 cases.

"Positive results per number of specimens examined or this week's positivity rate of 27.57 percent", he wrote.

The number of people suspected of contracting COVID-19 or currently categorized as suspected cases was recorded at 126,696 people. Currently, 510 districts/cities from 34 provinces have COVID-19 cases.