The Indonesian Prosecutor's Office Gets WTP Opinions, BPK Findings: Hasn't Deposited Rp757 Million Traffic Ticket

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) provided an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) on the Financial Statements of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office for 2020. This opinion shows that the Financial Statements of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office as of December 31, 2020 have been presented fairly in all material respects in accordance with Government Accounting Standards. .

Head of State Audit I BPK Hendra Susanto said this opinion was not a gift, but an achievement and hard work from all levels of the Attorney General's Office in managing and accounting for state finances.

“Unqualified Opinion does not mean that the Indonesian Attorney's Financial Statements are free from errors. BPK still finds weaknesses in the SPI as well as problems of non-compliance with laws and regulations that need to be corrected," he said in an official statement, Thursday, June 24.

According to Hendra, several records found by BPK, among others, the management and administration of money deposited in Other Government Accounts (RPL) were not yet orderly, so there was a potential for misuse of money deposited.

Then, the management and efforts to settle the replacement money receivables are not optimal, including the 11 decisions whose files have not been found, and the management of the spoiled goods inventory is not adequate and the status of the settlement progress is not clear.

“BPK also found non-compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the management of state finances, namely that there was an overpayment of the realization of goods and capital expenditures in several Indonesian Prosecutor's Working Units and the PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue) ticket had not been deposited into the State Treasury from the National Ticketing Account. to the State Treasury," he said.

In tracking VOI in the 2020 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP), it is known that the Indonesian Attorney General's Office is one of four ministries/institutions that have not deposited PNBP to the state case.

"The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia is in the form of fines and court fees for 2019 and 2020 ticketing decisions that have not been transferred from the National Ticket 1 and National Ticket 2 accounts to the State Treasury and the excess ticket deposit has not been deposited amounting to IDR 757,153,000," the BPK notes in the 2020 LKPP.

However, Hendra confirmed that the Prosecutor's Office had followed up on the recommendations of the examination findings.

"BPK appreciates several work units that have followed up on findings when the examination was still ongoing with the applicable provisions so that in the coming year opinions on the financial statements of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office can be maintained," concluded Hendra.