TNI Persons Allegedly Involved In Killing Journalists In North Sumatra Because Victims Ask For Allotments Of Night Entertainment

MEDAN - Police arrested the killer of MSH, the editor-in-chief of a local media who was shot dead in Simalungun, North Sumatra. The executor of the shooting is suspected to be a member of the TNI.

The North Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General RZ Panca Putra, said the mastermind behind the murder was the owner of the Ferrari Bar and Resto nightclub with the initials Y (57) and his employee S (31).

The Regional Police Chief said that the perpetrator was assisted by a TNI person with the initials A. After the presentation, which was also attended by the Commander of the I/BB Regional Military Command Major General Hasanuddin, Inspector General Panca confirmed that perpetrator A was a TNI person.

"A is a person (TNI), that's why the Military Commander is here. I firmly convey this to my friends. Anyone who is guilty will be dealt with firmly," he said, Thursday 24 June.

However, Panca did not mention the status of A. "It will be submitted later, because it is not within my competence," explained Panca.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Bukit Barisan Regional Military Command 1, Maj. Gen. Hasanuddin, did not provide any comments or statements in the presentation.

From the results of the investigation, the Police Chief explained that this murder was based on S's heartache for the victim. Because the victim always reported the rampant circulation of narcotics at his nightclub.

"But the victim also asked for a quota of Rp12 million per month with a daily request of 2 pills (pills). If one item was Rp200 thousand, for two it was Rp400 thousand. This means that if you multiply by 30 (so) Rp12 million, "explained Inspector General Panca.

"So because of the news that the victim made to brother S, it caused him heartache, especially S can't run his business," he continued.

Because of the victim's news, Panca continued, perpetrator S asked perpetrator Y to kill the victim.

Y then asked for help from A who was suspected to be a member of the TNI. At that time, A shot the victim and they fled.

The police secured several pieces of evidence including 1 air softgun, 1 pistol and 6 bullets. The suspects were charged under Article 338 and Article 340 of the Criminal Code.