The Benefits Of Learning Coloring For Your Little One's Growth

JAKARTA - Coloring is indeed a fun activity for children. The reason is, not only fun, but coloring also has many benefits for the mental health and neurodevelopment of the little one.

Now, coloring books also have many objects that children can choose from. Well, for that, see the following explanation about the benefits of coloring for children's mental health, quoted from various sources.

Introducing colors

The most basic benefit of coloring is introducing colors to children. Coloring is an interesting activity to introduce colors, starting with striking colors first, such as red, green, blue, yellow, or black.

Next, introduce derived colors, such as brown, pink, light green, and so on.

Stimulate creativity

Coloring can also be a medium for children to spill their creativity. Children can channel the ideas that are in their heads according to their imagination. Therefore, do not scold the child if he makes a mistake while coloring.

Train fine motor nerves

Fine motor nerves, namely the coordination of muscles, bones, and nerves in the child's body will be trained through this activity. For example, children will be trained to hold colored pencils using their fingers.

Fine motor skills are very important for children when they go to school. This is to prevent children from having trouble eating, writing, to simple things like hooking a shirt button.

Improves focus and eye-hand coordination

Through coloring, children focus on the object in front of them. Your child will begin to experience improvement in hand-eye coordination when he holds a colored pencil, selects a color, and then writes it on a coloring book.