Antivirus Boss John McAfee Found Dead In Jail

JAKARTA - Entrepreneur, and founder of antivirus company John McAfee was found dead in a prison in Barcelona, Spain. He was detained on charges of tax evasion and crypto-asset fraud since October 2020.

Indeed, the 75-year-old man will be extradited by the United States (US) authorities. But McAfee was found dead in his cell at around 1 p.m. Wednesday, a spokesman for the Catalan High Court said.

A statement from the Department of Justice of the Catalonia regional government, which runs the prison there, said prison medics and guards attempted to carry out life-saving procedures after McAfee was found. But, they didn't succeed.

He further said the cause of death was being investigated. The statement said "evidence suggests" that McAfee could have died by suicide.

His death followed a ruling by a three-judge panel at Spain's National Court requiring McAfee to be extradited to the United States to face charges in his home country. Court documents say he can still appeal to a higher court.





Previously, McAfee had shared his personal life in a Catalonia prison via Twitter uploads. Antivirus boss McAfee calls himself isolated and it was the toughest time of his life.

“I don't speak Catalan and very little Spanish so human contact is limited. No consolation—no escape from loneliness, from emptiness, from myself. This is the toughest period of my life," McAfee wrote.