Kemendikbudristek: Limited PTM Implementation According To Regional Conditions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) stated that the implementation of limited Face-to-face Learning (PTM) is dynamic, in accordance with regional conditions.

"So it is adapted to regional conditions. The implementation of PTM is limited based on the Decree of the four ministers and also the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs 14/2021," said the Director-General of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jumeri, in a media briefing monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 23.

The Ministry of Education and Culture respects the concerns of parents, which if parents do not agree with limited PTM then it is allowed for their children to take Distance Education (PJJ).

"There is no discrimination or punishment for children who study at home," he said.

Likewise, if the area experiences a spike in COVID-19 cases, the limited PTM is temporarily suspended and resumes conducting PJJ. However, if the number of cases has decreased, a limited PTM will be held again.

Jumeri explained that the Decree of the four ministers regarding learning during the pandemic, coupled with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs, also adjusted to the request of a number of teacher organizations who wanted regions with positive numbers above five percent to conduct PJJ.

"We have been instructed about it. We ask parents not to worry," he said.

The implementation of PTM is limited to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Jumeri, adjusted to the conditions of the area. In one district, for example, there are sub-districts with high COVID-19 transmission rates, but there are also isolated sub-districts with low COVID-19 transmission rates.

He added that face-to-face learning is the best learning option at this time. This is because the implementation of PJJ has not been optimal due to many obstacles such as the availability of devices, networks, and internet quotas.

"Until now as many as 35 percent of schools have held limited PTM. In terms of readiness, as much as 90 percent are ready from the side of clean toilets, 90 percent of handwashing, disinfectants, and others," he said.

Meanwhile, for the vaccination of educators and education personnel, as many as two million or 35 percent of educators have received the first stage of vaccination. Meanwhile, 1.2 million or 22 percent of educators and education personnel have received the second stage of vaccination.