Remember Sir! Loan Offers Via SMS Or WA Guaranteed To Be Illegal Loans

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) confirmed that offering online loans or borrowing through short message service (SMS) and WhatsApp (WA) applications is an illegal service.

"Offers for loan money via SMS/WA from unknown numbers must be immediately ignored and removed because this is a feature of illegal loans," the OJK said in an official statement, Tuesday, June 22.

Meanwhile, the type of financial service that offers online and official loans based on legal aspects in Indonesia is called peer-to-peer lending financial technology (fintech). However, this fintech lending is absolutely not allowed to conduct bidding activities by accessing private channels.

"Fintech lending or lenders registered and licensed at the OJK are not allowed to offer loans through private communication channels, either SMS or other private instant messages without consumer approval," said the OJK.

The institution led by Wimboh Santoso revealed that there are at least five important things that the public needs to know about online lending companies.

First, legal online loans are prohibited from marketing products via SMS/WA without consumer approval.

Two, don't click on the link or contact the contact in the SMS/WA for illegal loan offers. Third, don't be tempted by illegal loan offers via SMS/WA which offer fast loans without collateral.

Four, immediately delete or block if you receive an online loan offer via SMS/WA. Fifth, always check the legality of the loan to the OJK before applying for a loan.

"Stop making loans from illegal loans," concluded the OJK in a release.