Give Gift Of 'Military Leadership' Book, Discussed By Prabowo Subianto-Ridwan Kamil

JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil met with the Minister of Defense (Menhan) who is also the general chairman of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto in Jakarta, Monday afternoon, June 21. So what was discussed at the meeting?

The contents of the meeting were revealed by Ridawan Kamil Ridwan Kamil through his personal Instagram account, @ridwankamil on the same day.

Kang Emil, his nickname, said that in the meeting the two discussed various things. Among them are the campus development plans to the West Java program.

"Together with the Minister of Defense, Mr. @prabowo Subianto, we discussed various development plans for strengthening human resources in West Java, including the development of the Defense University campus in Sukabumi," Emil wrote as quoted by VOI, Tuesday, June 22.

Emil and Prabowo also discussed the preparation of a training center and defense education in Bogor to be prepared as a COVID-19 Emergency Hospital.

"It is also the Ministry of Defense's commitment to prepare a defense training and education center in Bogor to be prepared to become a Covid Emergency Hospital if needed," he said.

Emil said that Prabowo would also direct the West Java Gerindra Party to support the West Java Champion development programs, including in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The direction was conveyed by him to the chairman of the West Java DPRD, Mr. @taufikhidayat_dprd," he said.

At the end of the meeting, Emil gave batik souvenirs designed by himself. Meanwhile, Prabowo, gave a book on military leadership.

Emil hopes that the second meeting will strengthen Indonesia through a succession of developments in West Java.

"Hopefully this synergy will strengthen the success of development in Indonesia through West Java," said Emil.