Prosecutors Reveal The "Three Fingers" Code From Juliari Batubara To Hotma Sitompul's Subordinates, What Does It Mean?

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) revealed that there was a 'three finger' code from the defendant in the alleged bribery case of Juliari Peter Batubara's social assistance to his subordinate, Adi Wahyono. The code was intended for Hotma Sitompul who allegedly interpreted Rp3 billion.

The code was revealed when the prosecutor mentioned a meeting between Hotma and the team that handled cases of child abuse. The meeting is said to have taken place in Juliari's room, who at that time served as social minister.

Hotma Sitompul also agreed. But he denied that the meeting was mentioned in the study. According to him, the meeting took place in the conference room.

"The trial was already underway, one time we were asked to report to the defendant. We came to the Ministry of Social Affairs office, there were several people there. It was in the minister's room, at the big table there were several dozen people there, explaining the progress of the trial process," Hotma said in court , Monday, June 21.

Hearing this answer, the prosecutor immediately confirmed the existence of the three-finger code given by Juliari to Adi Wahyono.

To make sure, the prosecutor made it clear by standing in front of the monitor while showing the hand gesture of the number three. Because, Hotma in the trial was presented online.

"At that time did you ever see the minister, the defendant, give Adi Wahyono a hand code with a code, look at my hand (3 finger code), like this? Have you ever seen the minister give a three-finger sign like this?" asked the prosecutor.

"Never, brother prosecutor," answered Hotma.

Previously, Hotma Sitompul denied that he had received Rp 3 billion from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). The money was once referred to as a fee for Hotma who handles cases of child abuse.

"Never received Rp. 3 billion, I only read news about it. The first time I heard it was when I was examined at the KPK and I said I never received it and I know no one has received it," said Hotma.

However, he did not deny that there had been communication with Juliari Peter Batubara and officials from the Ministry of Social Affairs. But only limited to handling cases and not discussing payments or fees at all.

"The Minister said that it was difficult for me to contact him, he could contact Mr. Adi Wahyono to remind him to contact the Attorney General," said Hotma.

"There is no (fee). I used the name LBH Mawar Saron for my defense," he continued.