Monday's COVID-19 Case Breaks 14,536, Economists Ask The Government To Immediately National Lockdown: Follow Health Experts' Advice!

JAKARTA - The number of COVID-19 cases in the country continues to increase. Even within 24 hours, there were 14,536 new cases recorded. Therefore, economists ask that the government solve the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic by following the advice of health experts.

Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira said Indonesia must immediately implement a national lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. Even if it's late, it's better than nothing.

The government, said Bhima, also often pits the narrative between health and economic choices. Even though it was just a "trial and error" easing for economic recovery. For example, such as the premature opening of tourist attractions which actually become a blunder for the economy itself.

Therefore, according to Bhima, the government should immediately decide for a national lockdown. Because, it will not be effective if it is only applied in one province.

"The government must listen to advice from health experts. Once the lockdown is effective, the economy will grow solidly, not as false as it is now," he said when contacted by VOI, Monday, June 21.

According to Bhima, it seems as if the level of consumer confidence is rising, but after the explosion of COVID-19 cases, the risk of falling again. Therefore, according to Bhima, what the government should focus on at this time is health spending and social protection.

"We must not repeat again at point zero. I am sure that business actors will support the lockdown provided that there is proper compensation from the government and effective supervision in the field or there is no discrimination," he said.

Furthermore, Bhima said, the compensation will appear if the government's budget can be reallocated immediately. Because, there is already a capital for Law No. 2 of 2020 to shift the budget quickly.

Previously, Senior Economist Faisal Basri asked the government to stop using gas and brakes to control active COVID-19 cases. Currently, he said, what needs to be done is to step on the brake pedal or lock down.

According to Faisal, before the cases spread throughout Indonesia, the government should have taken steps to lock down DKI Jakarta, which at that time became the epicenter of the spread of COVID-19.

Furthermore, Faisal said that if the pandemic problem was solved with a health science approach, the recovery costs borne by the state would be cheaper than it is now. Meanwhile, according to Faisal, the government's logic is still reversed.

Even so, said Faisal, Indonesia is not too late to handle this crisis. Like other countries, Indonesia can implement a two-week lockdown policy so that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 that has soared after Eid 2021 can be suppressed.

"I think come on, we are not too late to return to the rails, Mr. President, please stop talking about brakes, gas, brakes, gas. The most powerful brake right now is lockdown. But it won't be done. economic gas," he said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, June 20.

Regarding the budget needs during health management policies, said Faisal, it is the economy ministers who are in charge of thinking about it. This is because the minister for the economy is tasked with seeking funds.

"The business of the economic ministers is to find money, if necessary, look for debt to settle all of this. Because this debt will be repaid quickly if the recovery occurs quickly. So believe me that the cost will be more expensive if the health crisis is not completely resolved," he said.