Cases In Jakarta Soar, Hajj Dormitory Ready To Accommodate COVID-19 Self-Isolating Patients

JAKARTA - Acting Director General of Hajj and Umrah Organization Khoirizi stated that the Pondok Gede Hajj hostel is ready to be reused as an isolation room for COVID-19 patients. Along with the increase in positive cases of Corona which is high until a number of hospitals are full.

"This year, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has given permission and the Hajj dormitory is ready to be used again as a COVID-19 isolation room," said Khoirizi, in Jakarta, Monday, June 21.

According to him, the coordination between the Ministry of Religion and the COVID-19 Task Force regarding the use of hajj dormitories as isolation rooms has been carried out for a long time. In fact, the use of the Hajj dormitory as an isolation room has also been carried out in 2020.

"In 2020, the Ministry of Religion has given approval for the use of hajj dormitories as a quarantine option since April 1, 2020. Since then, thousands of patients have undergone the quarantine process in hajj dormitories," he said.

Khoirizi explained, there are at least 27 of the 31 hajj dormitories throughout Indonesia that are ready to be used for patient care. However, there are four dormitories which after the study have not been able to be used for various reasons, namely in Pontianak, Mamuju, Jayapura, and Sorong.

The Heads of Hajj Dormitory, continued Khoirizi, have been coordinating with the COVID-19 Task Force in their respective regions regarding the urgency and technicality of its use.

For example, the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in Jakarta, preparations have been made together with the DKI Jakarta COVID-19 Task Force. In fact, their readiness has also been reviewed by the DKI Regional Secretary and the Jaya Regional Commander.

"There are two buildings in Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory that will be prepared as isolation rooms," explained Khoirizi.

Likewise with UPT Haji Gorontalo Dormitory. The head of the UPT, he said, had already held a meeting with the local Task Force.

"The Gorontalo Hajj Dormitory will be the third alternative if the isolation room for COVID-19 patients at the provincial level is no longer adequate," he said.

Khoirizi emphasized that the preparation of the Hajj hostel as an isolation room is a manifestation of the Ministry of Religion's active role in handling COVID-19.

Director of Domestic Hajj Services Saiful Mujab added that his party had coordinated with the Jakarta Hajj Hospital to ensure that the isolation rooms prepared were in accordance with the standards of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Ministry of Health, and even WHO.

“Each patient occupies one room, one bed. Cannot be combined. There are also standard case services under the supervision of health workers," he added.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, asked the government to convert the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory into a place of isolation and treatment for COVID-19 patients. This temporary transfer of function is to anticipate patients so that they can still be handled.

"I ask the government to prepare the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory to accommodate COVID-19 patients who are not being treated in hospitals," said Dasco, Monday, June 21.