Faisal Basri: PSBB Easing Is Ridiculous

JAKARTA - Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) senior economist Faisal Basri criticized the government's plan to loosen the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy. The easing is related to people under the age of 45 who are allowed to work because they have high immunity.

Even though according to data, the curve of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is still fluctuating, where the number of positive people every day is still increasing by hundreds of people. As of today alone, Monday 18 May, the government spokesman for handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto explained, there were an additional 496 positive cases. The total number of positive cases became 18,010 people.

"So this easing is ridiculous. People who are under 45 have better endurance, then they get along with many people outside, they go home to meet their old mother and meet their elderly siblings, yes it is passed on by him. it goes to vulnerable people at home, "he said in a video conference, Monday, May 18.

According to Faisal Basri, the government is too brave if it actually realizes the easing. He also considered that this easing only concerned a few parties.

"There is no such recipe (under 45 years of age can work). In other countries there is not," he said.

Faisal reiterated that the easing of the PSBB would be effective if new cases and daily deaths due to COVID-19 had decreased consistently. Now in Indonesia, it is far from being burned.

"At least a week, but it's good for two weeks to keep going down. Let's fight this pandemic by doing the best possible tests, tests so we know what conditions are like. Once the tests, tracing, tracking, new treatment. This is a process that cannot be solved," he explained. .

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that the government had not relaxed the PSBB, but only reduced the policy.

"What I need to emphasize is that there is no easing of the PSBB. Reducing restrictions, yes. But it is being reviewed," Muhadjir said in a press conference after a limited meeting regarding the acceleration of handling COVID-19 which was broadcast on a YouTube account, Monday, May 18.

Although the government will make a scenario to reduce PSBB, he reminded that everything will be regulated by the COVID-19 health protocol. So, people cannot go around and violate health protocols.

"Do not mean 'loosening at will I want', after loosening it should not be arbitrary. In fact, health protocols must be tightened when restrictions on reduction are implemented," Muhadjir said.

Health protocols in public places, from restaurants to places of worship, will be discussed by the Ministry of Health and the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19. Including, when it comes to a place or event that is attended by many people.

"So the protocol in restaurants, during worship, how to attend events with many visitors, must be adhered to. The New Normal, Friday prayers in congregation will be different from before The New Normal," he said.

Moreover, the government has not revoked the health emergency status announced by President Joko Widodo some time ago. So, with the Presidential Decree Number 19 of 2020 still in effect, the health emergency and its derivative regulations will continue to apply.

It was reported that President Joko Widodo had stated that the government had not decided to ease the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) during the current corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic even though he had made a scenario about the easing.

However, the implementation has not been decided yet because it is still waiting for the right time. "I want to emphasize that there is no policy for easing the PSBB," said Jokowi when opening a limited meeting on the acceleration of handling COVID-19 which was broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Monday, May 18.

"Because it doesn't appear later, it's wrong to catch the public that the government is loosening the PSBB. Not yet. So there is no policy for easing the PSBB," he added.

In determining this easing decision, he said, the government continues to monitor conditions in the community and existing data regarding the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. "Let everything be clear because we have to be careful not to make the wrong decision," he said.