With Raffi Ahmad And Renatta Moeloek, Risma Motivates Scavengers To Bekasi Street Children
BEKASI - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini invited Raffi Ahmad and chef Renatta Moeloek to motivate the beneficiaries of the Ministry of Social Affairs. This activity simultaneously promotes the Pangudi Luhur Attention Creation Center in Bekasi City.
"This poverty alleviation of the homeless must be accompanied by mental development in addition to skills and working capital," said Social Minister Risma at the Pangudi Luhur Attention Creation Center of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Bekasi, quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 20.
Risma said that the goal of the Ministry of Social Affairs to build the Attention Creation Center is to serve as a forum for beneficiaries to work and earn income.
"There are 38 beneficiaries who trade here, we are preparing them. Thank God it has started to grow, here there are scavengers, homeless people, silver people and street children," he said.
This motivational event was held in conjunction with a joint cooking demonstration at the Dailybox Peduli event, guided by chef Renatta and attended by the Minister of Social Affairs and Raffi Ahmad.
During the cooking demonstration, the three of them shared the ups and downs of their life struggles from the start of their careers to the success they are today.
"Sharing their life struggles, hopefully their stories can motivate the beneficiaries, most of whom are homeless," he said.
Risma admitted that she deliberately invited these two public figures, apart from promoting the Bekasi Attention Creative Center, to motivate the beneficiaries of the RI Ministry of Social Affairs program so that they can change their lives for the better and be successful.
"So I want my friends to know their stories and struggles, especially Mas Raffi Ahmad and Mba Renatta, this is a good endorsement, with the hope that everyone can know that this location exists," he said
"It's not easy being a Raffi Ahmad, it looks good, yes, but in the past people never knew how difficult it was. Also Chef Renatta, you have to go everywhere like that. Now our beneficiaries are good, we will prepare a place, and others if it doesn't work yes, yes, yes," he added.
Meanwhile, Raffi Ahmad said that every human being must have a high fighting spirit in order to change his life to be successful.
"The most important thing is according to Mrs. Risma's words, we first grow their mentality, their mentality must be strong, we must tell our future generations not to always beg. If it is formed automatically they will move to reach their goals.
"If we don't mentally forge it, we won't be able to move. Mrs. Risma said that our population of 270 million has more time to eat, it's not right, something doesn't fit," said Raffi.