Emergency COVID-19, MUI Issues Fatwa On Worship At Home

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) reminds the public to always comply with health protocols (prokes) when undergoing worship. Given, the active cases of COVID-19 which have recently jumped sharply. It was recorded that on Friday, June 18, new cases in Indonesia increased to 12,990.

The chairman of the MUI Da'wah Commission, Kiai Ahmad Zubaidi, supports the circular letter (SE) of the Minister of Religion No. SE 13 of 2021 concerning Restrictions on the Implementation of Religious Activities in Houses of Worship.

"I agree with the Ministry of Religion's regulations regarding regulations that limit places of worship. It means that the government is regulating efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 for zones that are considered red," said Ahmad Zubaidi, Saturday, June 19.

Zubaidi said that his party had issued a fatwa on procedures for carrying out worship during the pandemic in accordance with the prokes recommendation from the government.

"People should have more confidence in the ulama to carry out worship, such as congregational prayers. We can first see the regional zone whether the situation of the area is red or not? The red in question is the location where the area has been locked down by the government so it cannot carry out worship in congregation, but it can be done at home, "he said.

According to him, areas that are in the red zone should implement very strict health protocols. If the number of COVID-19 in the area soars, he said, there must be a temporary closure of houses of worship in the area.

Zubaidi hopes that preachers in various regions will convey MUI fatwas related to COVID-19 to the wider community. And do not spread hoaxes or information that is not yet clear.

"Secondly, my hope is that preachers should not spread hoaxes related to this pandemic to the public and my last hope is that people are encouraged to cross-check information related to COVID-19," said Zubaidi.

Previously, the Minister of Religion (Menag), Yaqut Cholil Qoumas took firm steps by issuing a circular letter to serve as a guide for the community in activities at places of worship.

Through Circular Letter No. SE 13 of 2021, the Minister of Religion hopes that religious people can continue to carry out worship activities while maintaining the safety of their souls by adjusting the current conditions in their respective regions.

"I have issued a circular, as a guide for efforts to prevent, control, and break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 in houses of worship," Yaqut said.

Yaqut explained that religious activities in the red zone category areas were temporarily suspended until the area was declared safe from COVID-19. Then, the determination of the change in the zone area is carried out by the respective regional governments.

"Social religious and community activities, such as public recitations, gatherings, wedding parties, and the like in the multipurpose room within the house of worship are also temporarily suspended in the red and orange zones until conditions permit," he said.